Day 2 Launch Week 2025 - Vooma Schedule

Hand off your appointment scheduling to your AI worker

February 4, 2025

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🚀 Launching Vooma Schedule 🚀

Scheduling is a pain in the as!^% for logistics companies

For most brokers, ~50% of their appointments are scheduled over email.

Find the load. Copy the load info into a template. Wait 3 hours for a response. Follow up. Escalate. Update the TMS. Forget to confirm with the receiver and lose the appointment. Reschedule. Hundreds of times per week. Lots of hassle.

And when you’re slow to schedule or make mistakes you get bad appointments. Loads with bad appointments get lower rates, costing you $$$.

With Vooma Schedule, you can trigger an AI worker to get your preferred appointment with just one click.

Here’s how it works:

- Select your requested time in your TMS or the Vooma Chrome Extension.

Click 'Schedule' to dispatch your scheduling worker

- Hit ‘Schedule’. Your AI worker will email and negotiate for the time you want.

Your AI will negotiate for your preferred times

- Anything that needs more attention will get flagged in Teams or Slack for you to resolve or coach your AI worker to resolve.

- Once confirmed, the worker will update your TMS with the details automatically.

Vooma Schedule is a game changer for operations reps:

”I'm loving it. If I need to just blast emails out, it's very very quick and creating a lot of good workflow.” — Donald Mack at Zengistics.

Check it out below and tell us what you think!

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